Thursday 19 May 2011


After giving up with Assassins Creed II (it's a good game.  I just couldn't care less about it), I ditch it for this classic I purchased on the PSN last year. Unable to give it a play because I get addicted to RPG's thus I know for a fact no Uni work was ever going to get done, this is the same reason I am yet to buy Pokemon Black or White.

UK Box Art

I'm barely 3 hours into it and I've already got a case of nostalgia.  The good thing is my PSone disc broke barely half way through the first disc and couldn't get round to replacing it until I bought it (for a cheap £7.99) off the infamous Playstation Network.

The game is a JRPG, probably the best JRPG you haven't played.... Yet.

The graphics looked slightly childlike and fit well with the game, however they look trash now.  Do not be put off by the graphics!

With likeable characters, awesome locations and challenging dungeons it's a game any adventure/RPG fan MUST play. Period.  It was the first RPG I can remember to feature half voiced over characters and it also featured innuendo's.

The games main protagonist, Justin (box art, centred).  A young boy from the town of Parm who's dream it is to one day to be the worlds greatest adventurer, he lives at home with his mother Lilly and his father vanished years ago on an adventure.  Joined with his lifelong friend Sue (box art, left) who is practically Justin's none related sister, who is the character in the RPG genre I like to call the healer and Feena, a seasoned adventurer and Justin's idol.  The games main villains are General Baal and the Garlyle forces.  And the rest you'll have to find out for yourself, I ain't no spoiler.

The game revolves around the mythical Angelou Civilisation and the fact if its real or not.

The gameplay is very pre Final Fantasy 12.  Ya know, before Final Fantasy got garbage, and in my opinion still rivals it up until this very day.  There are no random battles i.e the maps are full of animated little pests, which to be honest don't cause much of a problem, I mean, I may only be 3 hours in but I have yet to die. (I've jinxed myself now, I'll play it next and die straight away).  The cool thing about the battle system is the combo moves which can be just as powerful as some of the special moves plus its so easy to know what your characters are doing *cough* FF12 *cough*.

But with all that said, Grandia II was a let down, Grandia III wasn't released outside of Japan, Grandia Xtreme was never released in EU and Grandia Online has been in BETA for like 2 years.  What happened Game Arts?

Anyway play this game!!



Grandia PSone opening FMV


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