Wednesday 25 May 2011


When I first heard about this film I was a bit sceptical.  I mean a director I have never heard of (Kenneth Branagh) and a guy who was in 188 episodes of Home and Away as the God of Thunder, No Mortal Kombat fans its not Raiden.  Yes folks, I have finally watched Thor.

Thor (left) and Chris Hemsworth (right)
However since Heath Ledger's magnificent re-imagining of The Joker in The Dark Knight (I admit I thought he was gonna be shite), but was I proven wrong by Hemsworth.  Arrogant and foolish at the beginning and great character development throughout.  Natalie Portman also put in a great performamce with a great cast alongside.

Loki 'The God of Mischief' played by Tom Hiddleston put in a good performace, he was great I was a bit cautious about him from the very beginning.

Not a big reader of the Thor comics so not 100% on how well the story follows it.

Anyway the only jip I have with the film, is that I feel Asgard wasn't a kingdom where people live just a massive room with a King, Odin (Anthony Hopkins).  It would of been nice to see it as more of a place where people live as opposed to a room.

This film is worth a watch for any fan of Thor the comic and even films in general.  Marvels best film?  You could argue it and you would have a case, however a select few would turn around and say 'its no Iron Man 1'.  Just go and watch it if you haven't already.

It is a great follow up to The Avengers all thats left now is Captain America: The first Avenger, which I have my doubts about but I intend to keep an open mind.  I just can't take Chris Evans seriously.  

Thanks guys

'Wheel' Jack

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